4 research outputs found


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    Menurut UU RI No. 11 Tahun 2010 bangunan Observatorium Bosscha termasuk kedalam bangunan Cagar Budaya Nasional. Observatorium Bosscha kini difungsikan sebagai lembaga penelitian dan pendidikan formal astronomi di Indonesia. Bangunan Observatorium Bosscha tidak boleh mengalami fungsi ataupun bentuk, maka dari itu diperlukan pendokumentasian model 3D guna pemeliharaan berkelanjutan. Di era modern perkembangan teknologi sangatlah pesat diantaranya adalah teknologi Terrestrial Laser Scanner (TLS) yang dapat memberikan solusi dalam pendokumentasian bangunan Cagar Budaya, dikarenakan dapat merepresentasikan seperti bentuk aslinya, dapat melakukan akuisisi dengan cepat, dan tingkat akurasi yang baik. Dalam penelitian ini alat yang digunakan yaitu TOPCON GLS-2000 dan metode yang digunakan yaitu metode cloud to cloud. Hasil dari penelitian ini berupa model 3D bangunan Kopel di Komplek Observatorium Bosscha. Secara statistik penelitian ini menghasilkan hasil yang cukup baik, dikarenakan selisih perbandingan dari kedua alat berada dalam satuan millimeter. Serta nilai RMS saat registrasi sudah masuk kedalam toleransi dikarenakan nilai kesalahan <0.100 meter

    The Combined Use of Terrestrial Laser Scanner and Handheld 3D Scanner for 3D Modeling of Piping Instrumentation at Oil and Gas Company

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    Three-dimensional (3D) models are indispensable in managing, operating, maintaining, and repairing piping instrumentation activities in oil and gas companies. 3D models are expected to provide more interactive and representative information according to actual objects. Several technologies that can be used to generate piping instrumentation 3D maps are Terrestrial Laser Scanner (TLS) and Handheld 3D Scanner (HS). This study aims to create a 3D model of piping instrumentation using a combination of TLS and HS and analyze the results of data validation used for modeling. The results showed that a 3D modeling of piping instrumentation could be generated accurately using a combination of TLS and HS technologies. Merging between the two data is carried out through a cloud-to-cloud registration process based on the geometry of the object by considering the selection of reference data, the similarity of the scale factor, the unit of measure, and the overlap of the two data. The registration error generated in combining these two methods is less than 0.003 m. The resulting model still has drawbacks, which is the absence of coding for the pipe caused by the unavailability of the Piping and Instrumentation Diagram (P&amp;ID) during modeling. The geometric validation of the model size value using reference data and the field size has the largest absolute difference of 0.0034 m with an average absolute deviation of 0.0016 m

    The Combined Use of Terrestrial Laser Scanner and Handheld 3D Scanner for 3D Modeling of Piping Instrumentation at Oil and Gas Company

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    Three-dimensional (3D) models are indispensable in managing, operating, maintaining, and repairing piping instrumentation activities in oil and gas companies. 3D models are expected to provide more interactive and representative information according to actual objects. Several technologies that can be used to generate piping instrumentation 3D maps are Terrestrial Laser Scanner (TLS) and Handheld 3D Scanner (HS). This study aims to create a 3D model of piping instrumentation using a combination of TLS and HS and analyze the results of data validation used for modeling. The results showed that a 3D modeling of piping instrumentation could be generated accurately using a combination of TLS and HS technologies. Merging between the two data is carried out through a cloud-to-cloud registration process based on the geometry of the object by considering the selection of reference data, the similarity of the scale factor, the unit of measure, and the overlap of the two data. The registration error generated in combining these two methods is less than 0.003 m. The resulting model still has drawbacks, which is the absence of coding for the pipe caused by the unavailability of the Piping and Instrumentation Diagram (P&amp;ID) during modeling. The geometric validation of the model size value using reference data and the field size has the largest absolute difference of 0.0034 m with an average absolute deviation of 0.0016 m

    Analisis Hasil Pengukuran Bidang Tanah Menggunakan Teknologi CORS-­NTRIP dan PPP

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    ABSTRAKKebutuhan akan pemanfaatan tanah dan ruang semakin meningkat setiap tahun. Untuk mengendalikan kebutuhan tersebut maka diperlukan penyediaan sertifikat bidang tanah. Pengadaan sertifikat ini terkait erat dengan metode pengukuran. Badan Pertanahan Nasional melalui petunjuk teknisnya membagi metode pengukuran menjadi empat. Di antara keempat metode tersebut yang akan digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah metode terestrial dan pengamatan satelit. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis hasil pengukuran pengamatan satelit menggunakan teknologi CORS-­NTRIP dan PPP yang akan dibandingkan dengan metode terestrial. Simulasi pengukuran dilakukan pada empat jenis bidang tanah, yaitu kebun, lapangan, sawah, dan perumahan. Dari hasil simulasi tersebut disimpulkan bahwa salah satu hal yang mempengaruhi letak dan luas bidang tanah adalah ruang pandang receiver terhadap langit. Dari penelitian ini direkomendasikan agar pengukuran bidang tanah dapat dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode kombinasi.Kata kunci: bidang tanah, GNSS, CORS, NTRIP, PPPABSTRACTThe need for land and space utilization is increasing every year. To control these needs, it is necessary to provide a certificate of land parcels. The procurement of the certificate is closely related to the measurement method. The National Land Agency, through its technical guidance, divides the measurement method into four. Among the four methods, which will be used in this study are terrestrial methods and satellite observations. The purpose of this study was to analyze the results of satellite observation measurements using CORS-­NTRIP and PPP technologies that would be compared with terrestrial methods. The measurement simulation has been carried out by four types of parcels, ie. farm, open area, rice field, and building area. From the simulation results, it is concluded that one of the things that affect the location and the area of land is the receiver's view of the sky. From this research, it is recommended that land parcels measurement should be done by using a combination method.Key words: land parcel, GNSS, CORS, NTRIP, PP